When the installation is complete, the Launcher will appear on your screen. To access the client, click the launch button in the middle of the screen. The client will load and you'll be asked to sign in. 

If you want, you can set up your social center profile before logging in. Click on the tab in the top right hand corner and select “profile.” Fill in the information as requested and save when done. This is a useful tool for allowing people to better get to know you.

Start Menu

When you sign in, you'll initially be presented with a series of options.

Continue: This will allow you to return to the client

Transport: This will take you to the transport center, Xaeon's hub where you'll be able to travel to various different areas.

Character: Clicking here will allow you to customize your avatar to your satisfaction. You can change your gender, your physical appearance and choose from a wide array of clothing and accessories. When complete, don't forget to hit save.

When you're ready, click continue and this will take you to the client.