The first time you land in world, you’ll arrive in the Welcome Center where we greet and onboard all our new members.

To move around, you can either use the arrow keys on your keyboard or the w,s,a,d buttons. Your space bar will allow your avatar to jump.

If you click your cursor into the room and move it around, you can adjust the direction of your camera view on screen.


In the bottom left hand corner of the screen, you’ll see your chat box. Click the cursor in the white bar to type and communicate with whomever is in the same general space with you at any given time.

Should you be private messaged by another member, you’ll see their name appear in a flashing box under the white bar. Click on their name to be able to communicate with them privately. Click on the “local” box should you wish to return to general chat at any time.

Along the bottom of the screen, you’ll find a series of emote options. Click on the individual options and your avatar will engage in the corresponding action.

By clicking on the cog next to the chat bar, you can toggle your chat setting, including the box more transparent or increasing or decreasing font size.


Across the top of the screen, you’ll see a selection of different icons and options, as follows from left to right.

The reverse arrow button will take you to the area you were just in previously.

The home button will take you to the transport center.

The address bar shows the virtual world web address of the location you are in at any given moment.

The compass icon is the explore tab. This opens up a menu with a list of all the existing accessible properties in Xaeon at any given time. Click on the name and you’ll be transported to the area.

The calendar icon opens up the events tab in the Xaeon launcher. From there you can see a list of any of the events happening in world that week.

The arrows icon is the dimensions list. Each area can have specific dimensions that a member can arrive in. Dimensions can be subdivided by language or by orientation (specialized usage).

Any grayed out icons have yet to be activated.


In the top right hand corner, you’ll see a menu specific to your avatar. 

The clothes hanger icon opens up your closet so you can customize your avatar’s clothing and physical appearance.

The icon with the three lines opens up a sub menu that includes links to our support page, your settings menu and your exit menu where you can log out of your avatar or quit the client completely.

Travel and movement:

When you walk up to a door or a portal that you can go through, you’ll see an icon of a globe going through a door appear. Click on it and you’ll be transported to the area on the other side.


Should you enter an area with a dancefloor, a menu will pop up in the lower right hand corner. This is a list of all the dances your avatar can do as well as options to shuffle the dance you’re doing or loop one so you remain doing the same dance.

Object Interaction

In the world, you’ll find objects you can interact with. This will be shown to you by the small icon that will appear when you pass your cursor over it. Click on the item and it will appear in your avatar's hand. This could include everything from a glass that you can drink out of, to a magic wand you can cast spells with.

Personal Interaction

Right clicking on an individual avatar will open up a series of menus that allows you to interact with another user.

Clicking on a message will allow you to private message the member.

Clicking on profile will bring up the members social center profile.

Clicking unfriend allows you to add them to your friends list.